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130 lines
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version 3.10 - September 1994 - Vallée Christophe
Excuse me for the language faults in this documentation but
english is not my native language.
HPAsm is an assembler for calculators with the Saturn microprocessor
HPAsm has its own editor and needs kickstart2.04 (V37) or more to work.
0. Start:
Under shell:
HPAsm FileName
Under Workbench:
Click either on HPAsm's icon or on an icon of a file saved by HPAsm
1. The Syntaxe:
Each line must have the following format:
Label Mnemonic Operand Comment
start lc(5) 1994 load c register
a=dat1 xs
If the line begins by '*' it is a comment line
Each label if present must begin a column 1. All symbols but figures (0-9)
and operation symbols (*/-+) are allowed for the first letter of a label
For the others letter , all symbols but operation symbols(*-+/) are allowed
If there is no label the line must begin with space(s) or tabulation(s)
If a line doesn't have an operand , then the comment must begin with
a '*'
LC instruction expect hexadecimal ($xxxx)
If the size is written (ex: Lc(x) 1<=x<=8) it expects an expression
The instructions P=, CPEX, C=P, P=C, ABIT=0, ABIT=1, CBIT=0, CBIT=1,
?ABIT=0, ?ABIT=1, ?CBIT=0, ?CBIT=1, ?P=, ?P#, HS=0, ?HS=0 expect
a number between 0 and 15 (ex: p= 15) and not between 1-16
Symbols signs for tests are =, #, <=, et >=
HPASM doesn't make difference between lower case and upper case
in the instruction (lc = LC) but if does for the label (Start # staRT)
HPASM accepts expressions with parenthesis, with labels and evaluate them
according to the following priorities or from left to right if same priority
. - + ~(not)
. &(and) !(or) |(or) ^(xor)
. *(multiplication) /(division)
. +(addition) -(substraction)
All operations are done in sign 32 bits
In expressions HPASM accepts decimal (455), hexadécimal ($8f7)
and binary (%011101)
See examples file for more informations about the format.
Menu 'Assemble' in HPAsm assemble the text on disk either in
Ascii mode or in binary mode (in this mode the object begins with
'HPHP48-E') according the preferences
The code is saved on the disk under the name specified in the
preferences, in the directory of the project if no specified
(RQ: if in the name there is a '*' , then the '*' will be replaced
by the name of the project without is extension )
Menu 'check' assemble the text but doesn't save it on disk.
3.Pseudo operations:
con(x) expression
include constants and reverse them (1=<x=<8)
hex $xxxxx
include hexadecimal but without reversing
asc 'Texte ascii'
asc "Texte ascii"
include ascii
mem n
include n quartets
Label = expression
Label equ expression
assign a value to a label
include FileName
include a source file in assemblage, HPAsm searches the file in the
project's directory if no directory is specified . If a project
has the same name that FileName then the project is used instead
of loading another file
4.The editor:
Option 'Save preferences' saves the active window position, ascii window
position, ASL.library window position, and the preferences !
The file created has the name 'HPAsm3.10.prefs' and is saved in
both directory ENV:HPAsm and ENVARC:HPAsm
When icon option is enabled, HPAsm uses the icons code.info and source.info
if these icons are present in the directory ENV:HPasm
The HPTopaz font in this archive is the standard topaz/8 font with
HP specials codes (128 to 160)
HPAsm has been created with the help of the book 'VOYAGE AU CENTRE DE LA
HP48' which is published in french and which is available in France
Publisher: ANGKOR Authors:Paul COURBIS, Sebastien LALANDE
ISBN 2-87892-003-1
HPAsm has been tested succesfull with the following configurations:
. A500 1meg K2.04
. A1200
buggs ? ---> vallee@ensea.fr
minitel RETL bal OSCAR